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Huon Valley Mid-Winter Festival

12 - 14 July

10:00pm - 10:00pm

At Ranelagh Recreation Grounds Ranelagh Recreation Grounds

Willie Smith's Apple Shed is the hottest hut in the Huon Valley: craft ciders, locally sourced lunches, and plenty of space to sit, chat and roll in the hay. They've partnered up with other like-minded locals to throw a mid-winter festival to celebrate the region's apple-picking history. At its core is a focus on wassailing: the ages-old tradition of scaring nasties out of cider apple trees, from orchard to orchard, in order to bring on a stellar autumn yield. Now, things may seem a little strange at first: kings, queens, processions, giving gifts to the trees, shouting, banging, fire, candlelight, and so forth, but what else would you expect? And if none of that bobs your Geeveston fanny, that's okay too - there'll be cider, feasting and folk music in abundance.

Contact details

Email Enquiries: midwinterfestival@williesmiths.com.au
Primary Phone: 6264 4108
Booking URL: http://www.huonvalleymidwinterfest.com.au/tickets/
URL Enquiries: www.huonvalleymidwinterfest.com.au

2019-07-12 22:00:00
2019-07-14 22:00:00

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