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Chocolate Winterfest, Latrobe

On August 11, 2019

At Various venues in and around the town of Latrobe Various venues in and around the town of Latrobe

Chocolate Winterfest is Latrobe's wickedly delicious festival celebrating all things chocolate. It is no coincidence that the Latin name for cocoa, from which chocolate is made, translates as "food of the gods". Some cultures even valued chocolate more than gold, and who could blame them. Just the mere mention of chocolate turns heads and that's what Chocolate Winterfest, Latrobe will do to you. Chocolate Winterfest, Latrobe will indulge, inform, astound, amuse but above all celebrate chocolate as you escape from the bleakness of winter. Be indulged by events individually or successively as you immerse in this chocolate experience. Don't deny one of life's pleasures - join us at Latrobe on the central northern coast of Tasmania for this unique celebration.

Contact details

Email Enquiries: enquiries@chocolatewinterfest.com.au
Primary Phone: 6426 4444
Secondary Phone: 0400 578 746
URL Enquiries: www.chocolatewinterfest.com.au

2019-08-11 00:00:00
0000-00-00 10:00:00

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