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122nd annual Mount Lyell Strahan Picnic - Australia Day Picnic West Strahan

26 January

10:00am pm - 4:30pm

At West Strahan Beach Picnic Grounds West Strahan Beach Picnic Grounds
The 122nd Annual Mount Lyell Strahan Picnic gets underway from 10 am at West Strahan Beach on Sunday 26 January 2020. Activities will include wheelbarrow race, egg and spoon race, hammer the nail, Men's Gift, Women's Gift. Entertainment includes a giant slide and a teacup ride. All welcome.

Contact details

Email Enquiries: committee@strahanpicnic.org
Booking URL: www.strahanpicnic.org
URL Enquiries: www.strahanpicnic.org
2020-01-26 10:00:00
2020-01-26 16:30:00

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