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Barnbougle Polo

18 January

11:30am pm - 5:30pm

At Barnbougle Dunes Barnbougle Dunes
On January 18, 2020, The Game of Kings returns to Tasmania with the Annual Barnbougle Polo. Attracting Australia's best polo players, Barnbougle Polo combines the excitement and drama of this breathtaking game with fine Tasmanian produce and typical country hospitality. A number of ticketing options are available including a marquee to the traditional 'car boot spaces' are available on the day. For further information and ticketing please see website for details.

Contact details

Primary Phone: 6356 1124
URL Enquiries: https://barnbougle.com.au/polo/
2020-01-18 11:30:00
2020-01-18 17:30:00

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